Hudson Yards, currently under construction on Manhattan Island in New York, is the largest real estate development project in United States history. Related Real Estate, the developers of Hudson Yards, asked us to design an engagement that could showcase the development and serve as an attract on show floor. They currently had an engagement: an interactive scale model, but they wanted something more high tech and visible.
Concept 1 shown above was a play on their current engagement. It was still a scale model, but holographic and immersive. The city grid was projected from overhead, while OLED's displayed digital representations of the buildings that appeared to be slowly rotating like a hologram.
Concept 2 above is targeting some of the most important customers for the development: Retail. An array of OLED's would rotate through content depicting each of the brands already in a lease agreement with Related. Also, it would provide a photo opportunity for consumer visitors.
For concept 3 above, we wanted to show something more high tech and visible than their existing engagement, but also utilizing their current investment. In this concept, the overlay screen content is keyed to the model, becoming a clear glass touch interface that adds a layer of interactivity to the current model.
Hudson Yards is still under construction. For a multi-year project of this size, the progression, speed, and technology used in the construction itself is interesting and fun to learn about. The concept above describes an interactive time scroll, with each year of past or future construction on it's own layer. As the visitor scrolls a track pad forward or back, the years scroll forward or back, allowing attendees to understand the progression of the development.
Here is a mock-up of some potential digital content for the scroll stack in concept 4.