We love the Czech land and people, and I'm very grateful for a family who is as open as I am to a crazy idea like let's sell all our stuff and move across the world. The transition, which is still ongoing, has been challenging but rewarding.
But Why?, people ask. Why move a family of 6 from sunny Orange County, CA to Brno, Czech Republic?
We want to live life, and experience new and different things together as a family. We want our kids to experience life outside of the Orange County bubble of luxury and privilege, and we want to enjoy a greater sense of adventure and discovery in a new land. We want our kids to know their extended family and speak the Czech language.
And professionally, the local market is full of highly skilled and reasonably priced artists and designers...people who will help us grow the agency into the future, and provide higher and higher levels of service to our clientele worldwide. Any creatives out there currently in Eastern Europe??? Use the contact form and get in touch...let's talk!
Ultimately, the magnitude of the change was a lot for our friends and family to envision when we first mentioned it, but by the time we told anyone, the plans were set. Now, even though the move is done, our adventures are only beginning.
To learn more, please visit www.theadventurehearts.com or follow us on instagram @theadventurehearts.